
Procreate basics tutorial
Procreate basics tutorial

procreate basics tutorial

To create a new document, simply click the “+” button in the upper right and choose a size. If you’ve never created a document, this will be blank when you first open the app. The gallery is where you’ll see every design that you’ve created. To use Procreate on the iPad Pro, you’ll need an Apple Pencil. The screenshots below are from version 4. The newest version of Procreate (as of the writing of this post) is version 5.

procreate basics tutorial

Since Procreate comes out with updates every so often, the screenshots below may not look exactly like yours. Because it is all digital, it allows you to easily delete mistakes and edit your designs. It is perfect for illustrating and hand lettering.

procreate basics tutorial

Procreate is a drawing app that allows you to create amazing digital designs. This post will cover the basics and there are links to more advanced tutorials at the bottom so be sure to check those out. I’m here to show you how to use Procreate. I don’t know about you but learning new technology can be tricky and take some time. The Procreate app for the iPad Pro is an amazing drawing app that has taken my designs to the next level. In this intro to Procreate, you’ll learn the basic setup of the Procreate app, the essentials tools and how they function.

Procreate basics tutorial